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Monday, July 4, 2011

The Doors May Close Without Notice.

This may sound like some clever marketing angle or use of scarcity. But, I can assure you, it is not. Since we first opened the doors to Traffic Kaboom, the doors have only opened a couple of times since then. Since you are reading this page, the doors are open now. But, for how long will they stay open? It could change at any moment. Why have the doors closed in the past? You see, there is only so much content the Traffic Kaboom distribution network can handle. There needs to remain a delicate balance between the amount of content that gets submitted and the number of sites that accept this content.
So, go ahead. While there are still spots available, secure you spot within Traffic Kaboom
If you close this page, you may kick yourself for not grabbing a spot while you had the chance.

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